Thursday, May 6, 2010

Take Time to Pray

Another profound nugget of wisdom came from my fingers as I furiously responded to my group email: "Take a second (a few seconds..minutes...) to pray for those who have lost loved ones, those who are sick, those who are struggling, and those who simply don't know to pray for themselves. It only takes seconds to ask GOD to intervene."

After I typed it, I thought about it. How many people DON'T know to ask God for help? How many people don't know to call on the name of Jesus for comfort, peace, guidance, etc.? How many people don't believe that God, in his infinite and almighty wisdom, has His hand out to anyone who will step out and take it? How many people don't even believe that God is there?

Tears fill my eyes as I think of those who don't pray. I call out in prayer countless times every single day; such that, sometimes, I think God must be tired of hearing my voice. My heart feels heavy with the thought that people don't feel that blessing/comfort/reassurance/peace from uttering a small prayer and asking for help. God might not come when you call, but HE is ALWAYS on time! HE is ALWAYS listening, and He hears every prayer, every utterance, every cry, every sound that His creations make. He knows every thought that we have, every intention (Whether it comes to pass or not), everything!

In these times of turmoil in the world and in people's everyday lives, take time to pray. If you don't think you know how, just talk to God. Remember the hymn "Have a Little Talk with Jesus"? You know how it goes..."Now let us have a little talk with Jesus/Let us tell Him all about our troubles/He will hear our faintest cry/And He will answer by and by..." Have a conversation with our Almighty God today.. don't tarry.. He is waiting to hear from you. He is waiting to bless you. He is waiting to help you. If you feel like you have everything you need, take time to pray for someone else. I guarantee you there is someone in your life right now that needs a special touch, someone that needs healing, someone that needs a blessing. You never know what other people are dealing with in their lives. You never know what kind of burdens people have to carry. Pray for those people, even if you don' t know who they are; GOD knows!

Please know that GOD IS ALMIGHTY. He still sits on the throne, and He is still in the miracle business!

I hope that you will be blessed in abundance, healed by the touch of the Great Physician, calmed by the Prince of Peace, and highly favored by the Master. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. We just had an awesome Bible Study on prayer and the power of it. What's unfortunate is the fact that America is really being judged because we have turned away from our Biblical roots. God is merciful in that those of us who have a relationship with Jesus and are praying are a big reason that God has not allowed more destruction than we have heard about. The one reason why all of mankind was destroyed in Noah's day was because of the wickedness. Abraham tried to intercede for Sodom and Gomorrah, but again not one righteous person was found. Lot was spared because of his kinship to Abraham. They were basically pulled out according to the scriptures. Another thing to think about is not waiting for things to go wrong before you decide to pray. We have to have a daily communion with God. Then on the other hand, a lot of people pray just to get the blessing and they walk away after they receive it. I could go on and on but I'll stop right here.
