Friday, April 30, 2010

More Contributions to the Randomness

I often have these phrases pop into my head out of nowhere. Never at the right time, mind you, but boy, are they some profound little ditties. Like today, I sent out a response to the daily mass email from my group; it started with "Hope that you are all safe in your travels and have peace in your travails." MAN, where did that come from? It sounds so elegant and eloquent; I was proud of myself to have even thought of such. It was fitting for the moment; some of us are traveling, some of us are grieving, some of us are struggling. Once again, I think... I SHOULD WRITE A BOOK!
I have, you know.. written some books. Children's books, the beginnings of a fictional memoir of sorts is in the works, a manifesto about the state of education as I see it is also off the ground. I love to write. Blogging has become an outlet for me, although I don't rant about everything on it (I would be in some kind of I used to limit my rantings to FB posts and status updates; some would read and comment and I'm sure some would shake their heads at my randomness. But, hey, c'est moi!

My husband and I often have interesting conversations. In one last night, I realized, as I said it to him, that I tend to stand up for everything. I buck the system. I look for injustices and try to fight them. Does that make me wrong? Am I a visionary? Does anything change because I have done these things? Twice in the past year, I have gone up against 2 large entities for injustices committed. Did it make any difference? No, probably not. I am merely a speck in the paint, a fly in the ointment, a dust particle on the window. However, it made a difference to ME. Whether or not the outcomes are favorable or if there is any outcome at all...IT MADE A DIFFERENCE TO ME!
I only hope that my attempts to "rid the world of injustice" (taken from Charlotte's Web by E.B. White--references Fern trying to save Wilbur's young, runty life) will matter to someone else, will show big people that there are little people down here too (and dang it, we are TIRED of getting pushed around/mistreated/passed over/etc.), will make a difference somewhere!

If not, then I can go to bed each night knowing that I tried to stand up for a greater good, and I tried to change people's minds/cause them to see things differently/made them think before they acted. I know that I stood up for what was wrong and I said, "You won't push me or any other little person around any more on my watch!"

Many may say, "Who is she to even think that her little voice makes a difference?" I'm sure that Martin Luther King, Jr. may have felt that same way. I'm sure that Abraham Lincoln may have thought those same thoughts. I'm sure that Gandhi often wondered if he was doing the right thing. Did Rosa Parks know that sitting on that bus seat would make the profound mark it made on our society as a whole? Was Anne Frank aware that her diary would be so widely read and studied? Elvis Presley was a poor boy from Tupelo, Mississippi..did he ever dream he would be the King of Rock 'n Roll?

No one with a quiet voice has ever made a difference. No one who sat and let things go on before them has ever made a change. No one who 'went with the flow' has ever made things better. So, "Who am I to think that?", you say... I am Galileo, Harriet Tubman, Eleanor Roosevelt, Christopher Columbus..take your pick.


  1. Relatively profound musings there, teach. Impressive. Keep fighting the good (but unfortunately futile) fight. :)

  2. Real people with heart feel the same way. That is why children can finish parents' sentences. They have heard them repeat those nuggets of wisdom over and over again. They tend to stand up for the underdog on the playground. At some point, they have heard their mom or dad say, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." "You can be influenced to do wrong or influence others to do the right thing." It all starts from childhood rearing as to what our values will be as adults. I'm a stickler for fairness.Why punish the entire class when you know which student is guilty of the crime?
