Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Death of Grammar and Spelling

I lament the death of grammar and spelling. Being a member of Facebook and an avid texter, I have seen the decline of punctuation, spelling, and all sorts of correct English. Grammar and spelling led productive lives and helped people everywhere appear to be intelligent and seem like they knew what they were talking about. Now, people spell and write as they speak. Alas, their deaths have made people sound as dumb as they really are.
The poor apostrophe has to be the deadest. Its misuse has been going on forever. I never really understood why people felt the need to add an apostrophe every time they put an 's' on a word. What does that word own? Why should the apostrophe become the victim?
Spell Check has turned us all into dummies. Kids don't know how to look in the dictionary to spell a word. (You know, this never made a whole lot of sense to me, can I find a word in the dictionary if I don't know how to spell it?) Text-ese has made us all ignorant. Take the time to type in those extra 2 or 3 letters so that you will at least put off an aura of knowing something.
I feel sorry for people who have to fill out job applications and make resumes. What if they are not online? ACK! Then things have to be spelled correctly and sentences have to be complete and punctuated! Quelle horreur! I know that I couldn't, in good faith, hire someone who spelled things incorrectly on his/her resume or job application. To me, that just makes a person seem unintelligent.
What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. You're absolutely right. My mom received a simple note in church from another sister. Mama hardly uses the cell phone that my sister got for her so you know that texting is a foreign language to her. Yes that's how the note was written. Needless to say, my brother had to interpret what was written.
