Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Precious: The movie

I watched Precious with my husband the other night. OMG! I wonder why this is such a great movie? I was sickened by it, my disgust furthered by the thought that people actually have to live this way. The ONLY redeeming quality of the entire thing (and I suppose this was the whole idea) was that Precious was trying to rise above her situation and better herself for the sake of her children. (BTW, why on Earth did she name that poor girl Mongo? Like that is a good name or something? That was a shame!)
You know that an actor/actress is good when you hate them after you watch a movie. I LOVE Monique, but after watching that, I feel kinda nauseated about seeing her on TV. She definitely deserved to win that Oscar. However, I feel like her image has been tainted in my eyes because I will always remember her as that terrible woman. I want Monique to tell jokes about skinny bitches and how wonderful fat chicks are..that's MY Monique.
Am I the only one who likes to watch movies to escape problems? Am I the only one who likes to enjoy movies and feel good when they go off? Am I the only one who wants to laugh and maybe cry (in happiness) at movies?
I know that I do not wish to feel dirty/angry/physically sick/like I'm having a heart attack after a movie goes off. I knew from the preview that Precious wasn't going to be a happy-sappy movie, but MAN, I didn't realize it would be as bad as it was.

Watch with caution, people, watch with caution!

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